
Interface Summary
BaseLdapPathAware Interface to be implemented by classes that want to have access to the base context used in the active ContextSource.
BaseLdapPathContextSource Interface to be implemented by ContextSources that are capable of providing the base LDAP path.
BaseLdapPathSource Implementations of this interface are capable of providing a base LDAP path.

Class Summary
AbstractContextMapper Abstract superclass that may be used instead of implementing ContextMapper directly.
AbstractContextSource Abstract implementation of the ContextSource interface.
AggregateDirContextProcessor Manages a sequence of DirContextProcessor instances.
BaseLdapPathBeanPostProcessor This BeanPostProcessor checks each bean if it implements BaseLdapPathAware.
CountNameClassPairCallbackHandler A NameClassPairCallbackHandler for counting all returned entries.
DefaultDirObjectFactory Default implementation of the DirObjectFactory interface.
DirContextSource ContextSource implementation which creates InitialDirContext instances, for LDAPv2 compatibility.
LdapContextSource ContextSource implementation which creates an InitialLdapContext instance.

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