Package org.springframework.ldap.core

Core package of the JNDI/LDAP support.


Interface Summary
AttributeModificationsAware Indicates that the implementing class is capable of keeping track of any attribute modifications and return them as ModificationItems.
AttributesMapper An interface used by LdapTemplate for mapping LDAP Attributes to beans.
AuthenticationSource An AuthenticationSource is responsible for providing the principal (user DN) and credentials to be used when creating a new context.
ContextAssembler Helper interface to be used by Dao implementations for assembling to and from context.
ContextExecutor Interface for delegating an actual operation to be performed on a DirContext.
ContextMapper An interface used by LdapTemplate to map LDAP Contexts to beans.
ContextSource Interface used by LdapTemplate to create LDAP contexts.
DirContextOperations Interface for DirContextAdapter.
DirContextProcessor Interface to be called in search by LdapTemplate before and after the actual search and enumeration traversal.
DirContextProxy Helper interface to be able to get hold of the target DirContext from proxies created by ContextSource proxies.
DnParser A parser for RFC2253-compliant Distinguished Names.
LdapOperations Interface that specifies a basic set of LDAP operations.
NameClassPairCallbackHandler Callback interface used by LdapTemplate search, list and listBindings methods.
NameClassPairMapper Responsible for mapping NameClassPair objects to beans.
SearchExecutor Interface for delegating an actual search operation.

Class Summary
AttributesMapperCallbackHandler A CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler to wrap an AttributesMapper.
CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler A NameClassPairCallbackHandler to collect all results in an internal List.
ContextMapperCallbackHandler A CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler to wrap a ContextMapper.
DefaultDnParserFactory A factory for creating DnParser instances.
DefaultNameClassPairMapper The default NameClassPairMapper implementation.
DirContextAdapter Adapter that implements the interesting methods of the DirContext interface.
DistinguishedName Default implementation of a Name corresponding to an LDAP path.
DistinguishedNameEditor Property editor for use with DistinguishedName instances.
LdapEncoder Helper class to encode and decode ldap names and values.
LdapRdn Datatype for a LDAP name, a part of a path.
LdapRdnComponent Represents part of an LdapRdn.
LdapTemplate Executes core LDAP functionality and helps to avoid common errors, relieving the user of the burden of looking up contexts, looping through NamingEnumerations and closing contexts.

Exception Summary
ObjectRetrievalException Thrown by a ContextMapperCallbackHandler when it cannot retrieve an object from the given Binding.

Package org.springframework.ldap.core Description

Core package of the JNDI/LDAP support. Provides a LdapTemplate class and various callback interfaces.

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