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Package org.springframework.beans.factory.config

Removed Classes
DestructionAwareAttributeHolder A container object holding a map of attributes and optionally destruction callbacks.

Changed Classes and Interfaces
BeanReferenceFactoryBean FactoryBean that exposes an arbitrary target bean under a different name.
CommonsLogFactoryBean Factory bean for commons-logging org.apache.commons.logging.Log instances.
ConfigurableBeanFactory Configuration interface to be implemented by most bean factories.
DeprecatedBeanWarner Bean factory post processor that logs a warning for @Deprecated beans.
ObjectFactoryCreatingFactoryBean A org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean implementation that returns a value which is an org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectFactory that in turn returns a bean sourced from a org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory.
PlaceholderConfigurerSupport Abstract base class for property resource configurers that resolve placeholders in bean definition property values.
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer PlaceholderConfigurerSupport subclass that resolves ${...} placeholders against local properties and/or system properties and environment variables.
ProviderCreatingFactoryBean A org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean implementation that returns a value which is a JSR-330 javax.inject.Provider that in turn returns a bean sourced from a org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory.