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Class org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.condition.ProducesRequestCondition

Documentation changed from old to new.

Added Constructors
ProducesRequestCondition(String[], String[], ContentNegotiationManager) Same as .ProducesRequestCondition(String[], String[]) but also accepting a ContentNegotiationManager.

Changed Constructors
ProducesRequestCondition(String[]) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a new instance from "produces" expressions.
ProducesRequestCondition(String[], String[]) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a new instance with "produces" and "header" expressions.

Changed Methods
ProducesRequestCondition combine(ProducesRequestCondition) Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns the "other" instance if it has any expressions; returns "this" instance otherwise.
int compareTo(ProducesRequestCondition, HttpServletRequest) Documentation changed from old to new.
Compares this and another "produces" condition as follows:
  1. Sort 'Accept' header media types by quality value via MediaType.sortByQualityValue(List) and iterate the list.
ProducesRequestCondition getMatchingCondition(HttpServletRequest) Documentation changed from old to new.
Checks if any of the contained media type expressions match the given request 'Content-Type' header and returns an instance that is guaranteed to contain matching expressions only.