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Class org.springframework.scheduling.config.ScheduledTaskRegistrar

Documentation changed from old to new.

Added Methods
void addCronTask(CronTask) Add a CronTask.
void addFixedDelayTask(IntervalTask) Add a fixed-delay IntervalTask.
void addFixedRateTask(IntervalTask) Add a fixed-rate IntervalTask.
void addTriggerTask(TriggerTask) Add a {@code TriggerTask}.
boolean hasTasks() Return whether this {@code ScheduledTaskRegistrar} has any tasks registered.
void setCronTasksList(List<CronTask>) Specify triggered tasks as a list of CronTask objects.
void setFixedDelayTasksList(List<IntervalTask>) Specify fixed-delay tasks as a list of IntervalTask objects.
void setFixedRateTasksList(List<IntervalTask>) Specify fixed-rate tasks as a list of IntervalTask objects.
void setTriggerTasksList(List<TriggerTask>) Specify triggered tasks as a list of TriggerTask objects.

Changed Methods
void afterPropertiesSet() Documentation changed from old to new.
Schedule all registered tasks against the underlying #setTaskScheduler(TaskScheduler) task scheduler.
TaskScheduler getScheduler() Documentation changed from old to new.
Return the TaskScheduler instance for this registrar (may be {@code null}).
void setScheduler(Object) Documentation changed from old to new.
Set the TaskScheduler to register scheduled tasks with, or a java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService to be wrapped as a {@code TaskScheduler}.
void setTaskScheduler(TaskScheduler) Documentation changed from old to new.
Set the TaskScheduler to register scheduled tasks with.