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org.springframework.cache.interceptor Documentation Differences

This file contains all the changes in documentation in the package org.springframework.cache.interceptor as colored differences. Deletions are shown like this, and additions are shown like this.
If no deletions or additions are shown in an entry, the HTML tags will be what has changed. The new HTML tags are shown in the differences. If no documentation existed, and then some was added in a later version, this change is noted in the appropriate class pages of differences, but the change is not shown on this page. Only changes in existing text are shown here. Similarly, documentation which was inherited from another class or interface is not shown here.
Note that an HTML error in the new documentation may cause the display of other documentation changes to be presented incorrectly. For instance, failure to close a <code> tag will cause all subsequent paragraphs to be displayed differently.

Class AbstractFallbackCacheOperationSource

Abstract implementation of CacheOperation that caches attributes for methods and implements a fallback policy: 1. specific target method; 2. target class; 3. declaring method; 4. declaring class/interface.

Defaults to using the target class's caching attribute if none is associated with the target method. Any caching attribute associated with the target method completely overrides a class caching attribute. If none found on the target class, the interface that the invoked method has been called through (in case of a JDK proxy) will be checked.

This implementation caches attributes by method after they are first used. If it is ever desirable to allow dynamic changing of cacheable attributes (which is very unlikely), caching could be made configurable. @author Costin Leau @author Juergen Hoeller @since 3.1

Class BeanFactoryCacheOperationSourceAdvisor, void setCacheOperationSource(CacheOperationSource)

Set the cache operation attribute source which is used to find cache attributes. This should usually be identical to the source reference set on the cache interceptor itself. @see CacheInterceptor#setCacheAttributeSource

Class CacheOperationSource

Interface used by CacheInterceptor. Implementations know know how to sourcesource cache operation attributes, whether from configuration, metadata attributes atat source level, or anywhere elseelsewhere. @author Costin Leau @since 3.1
Class CacheOperationSource, Collection<CacheOperation> getCacheOperations(Method, Class<?>)

Return the collection of cache operations for this method, or {@code null} if the method contains no "cacheable" annotations. @param method the method to introspect @param targetClass the target class (may be {@code null}, in which casecase the declaring class of the method must be used) @return all cache operations for this method, or {@code null} if if none found

Class CacheProxyFactoryBean

Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative caching handling. This is a convenient alternative to a standard AOP org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean with a separate CachingInterceptorCacheInterceptor definition.

This class is designed to facilitate declarative cache demarcation: namely, wrapping a singleton target object with a caching proxy, proxying all the interfaces that the target implements. Exists primarily for third-party framework integration. Users should favor the {@code cache:} XML namespace @Cacheable annotation. See the declarative annotation-based caching section of the Spring reference documentation for more information. @author Costin Leau @see org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean @see CachingInterceptorCacheInterceptor

Class NameMatchCacheOperationSource, void setNameMap(Map<String, Collection<CacheOperation>>)

Set a name/attribute map, consisting of method names (e.g. "myMethod") and CacheOperation instances (or Strings to be converted to CacheOperation instances). @see CacheOperation @see CacheOperationEditorCacheOperation