The Spring Framework
Interface SqlXmlHandler

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface SqlXmlHandler

Abstraction for handling XML fields in specific databases.

Its main purpose is to isolate database specific handling of XML stored in the database. JDBC 4.0 introduces the new data type java.sql.SQLXML but most databases and their drivers currently rely on database specific data types and features.

Provides accessor methods for XML fields, and acts as factory for SqlXmlValue instances.

Thomas Risberg
See Also:
ResultSet.getSQLXML(int), SQLXML

Method Summary
 InputStream getXmlAsBinaryStream(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex)
          Retrieve the given column as binary stream from the given ResultSet.
 InputStream getXmlAsBinaryStream(ResultSet rs, String columnName)
          Retrieve the given column as binary stream from the given ResultSet.
 Reader getXmlAsCharacterStream(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex)
          Retrieve the given column as character stream from the given ResultSet.
 Reader getXmlAsCharacterStream(ResultSet rs, String columnName)
          Retrieve the given column as character stream from the given ResultSet.
 Source getXmlAsSource(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex, Class sourceClass)
          Retrieve the given column as Source implemented using the specified source class from the given ResultSet.
 Source getXmlAsSource(ResultSet rs, String columnName, Class sourceClass)
          Retrieve the given column as Source implemented using the specified source class from the given ResultSet.
 String getXmlAsString(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex)
          Retrieve the given column as String from the given ResultSet.
 String getXmlAsString(ResultSet rs, String columnName)
          Retrieve the given column as String from the given ResultSet.
 SqlXmlValue newSqlXmlValue(Class resultClass, XmlResultProvider provider)
          Get an instance of an SqlXmlValue implementation to be used together with the database specific implementation of this SqlXmlHandler.
 SqlXmlValue newSqlXmlValue(Document doc)
          Get an instance of an SqlXmlValue implementation to be used together with the database specific implementation of this SqlXmlHandler.
 SqlXmlValue newSqlXmlValue(String value)
          Get an instance of an SqlXmlValue implementation to be used together with the database specific implementation of this SqlXmlHandler.
 SqlXmlValue newSqlXmlValue(XmlBinaryStreamProvider provider)
          Get an instance of an SqlXmlValue implementation to be used together with the database specific implementation of this SqlXmlHandler.
 SqlXmlValue newSqlXmlValue(XmlCharacterStreamProvider provider)
          Get an instance of an SqlXmlValue implementation to be used together with the database specific implementation of this SqlXmlHandler.

Method Detail


String getXmlAsString(ResultSet rs,
                      String columnName)
                      throws SQLException
Retrieve the given column as String from the given ResultSet. Might simply invoke ResultSet.getString or work with SQLXML or database specific classes depending on the database and driver.

rs - the ResultSet to retrieve the content from
columnName - the column name to use
the content as String, or null in case of SQL NULL
SQLException - if thrown by JDBC methods
See Also:
ResultSet.getString(int), ResultSet.getSQLXML(int)


String getXmlAsString(ResultSet rs,
                      int columnIndex)
                      throws SQLException
Retrieve the given column as String from the given ResultSet. Might simply invoke ResultSet.getString or work with SQLXML or database specific classes depending on the database and driver.

rs - the ResultSet to retrieve the content from
columnIndex - the column index to use
the content as String, or null in case of SQL NULL
SQLException - if thrown by JDBC methods
See Also:
ResultSet.getString(int), ResultSet.getSQLXML(int)


InputStream getXmlAsBinaryStream(ResultSet rs,
                                 String columnName)
                                 throws SQLException
Retrieve the given column as binary stream from the given ResultSet. Might simply invoke ResultSet.getAsciiStream or work with SQLXML or database specific classes depending on the database and driver.

rs - the ResultSet to retrieve the content from
columnName - the column name to use
the content as a binary stream, or null in case of SQL NULL
SQLException - if thrown by JDBC methods
See Also:
ResultSet.getSQLXML(int), SQLXML.getBinaryStream()


InputStream getXmlAsBinaryStream(ResultSet rs,
                                 int columnIndex)
                                 throws SQLException
Retrieve the given column as binary stream from the given ResultSet. Might simply invoke ResultSet.getAsciiStream or work with SQLXML or database specific classes depending on the database and driver.

rs - the ResultSet to retrieve the content from
columnIndex - the column index to use
the content as binary stream, or null in case of SQL NULL
SQLException - if thrown by JDBC methods
See Also:
ResultSet.getSQLXML(int), SQLXML.getBinaryStream()


Reader getXmlAsCharacterStream(ResultSet rs,
                               String columnName)
                               throws SQLException
Retrieve the given column as character stream from the given ResultSet. Might simply invoke ResultSet.getCharacterStream or work with SQLXML or database specific classes depending on the database and driver.

rs - the ResultSet to retrieve the content from
columnName - the column name to use
the content as character stream
SQLException - if thrown by JDBC methods
See Also:
ResultSet.getSQLXML(int), SQLXML.getCharacterStream()


Reader getXmlAsCharacterStream(ResultSet rs,
                               int columnIndex)
                               throws SQLException
Retrieve the given column as character stream from the given ResultSet. Might simply invoke ResultSet.getCharacterStream or work with SQLXML or database specific classes depending on the database and driver.

rs - the ResultSet to retrieve the content from
columnIndex - the column index to use
the content as character stream
SQLException - if thrown by JDBC methods
See Also:
ResultSet.getSQLXML(int), SQLXML.getCharacterStream()


Source getXmlAsSource(ResultSet rs,
                      String columnName,
                      Class sourceClass)
                      throws SQLException
Retrieve the given column as Source implemented using the specified source class from the given ResultSet. Might work with SQLXML or database specific classes depending on the database and driver.

rs - the ResultSet to retrieve the content from
columnName - the column name to use
sourceClass - the implementation class to be used
the content as character stream
SQLException - if thrown by JDBC methods
See Also:
ResultSet.getSQLXML(int), SQLXML.getSource(java.lang.Class)


Source getXmlAsSource(ResultSet rs,
                      int columnIndex,
                      Class sourceClass)
                      throws SQLException
Retrieve the given column as Source implemented using the specified source class from the given ResultSet. Might work with SQLXML or database specific classes depending on the database and driver.

rs - the ResultSet to retrieve the content from
columnIndex - the column index to use
sourceClass - the implementation class to be used
the content as character stream
SQLException - if thrown by JDBC methods
See Also:
ResultSet.getSQLXML(int), SQLXML.getSource(java.lang.Class)


SqlXmlValue newSqlXmlValue(String value)
Get an instance of an SqlXmlValue implementation to be used together with the database specific implementation of this SqlXmlHandler.

value - the XML String value providing XML data
the implementation specific instance
See Also:
SqlXmlValue, SQLXML.setString(String)


SqlXmlValue newSqlXmlValue(XmlBinaryStreamProvider provider)
Get an instance of an SqlXmlValue implementation to be used together with the database specific implementation of this SqlXmlHandler.

provider - the XmlBinaryStreamProvider providing XML data
the implementation specific instance
See Also:
SqlXmlValue, SQLXML.setBinaryStream()


SqlXmlValue newSqlXmlValue(XmlCharacterStreamProvider provider)
Get an instance of an SqlXmlValue implementation to be used together with the database specific implementation of this SqlXmlHandler.

provider - the XmlCharacterStreamProvider providing XML data
the implementation specific instance
See Also:
SqlXmlValue, SQLXML.setCharacterStream()


SqlXmlValue newSqlXmlValue(Class resultClass,
                           XmlResultProvider provider)
Get an instance of an SqlXmlValue implementation to be used together with the database specific implementation of this SqlXmlHandler.

resultClass - the Result implementation class to be used
provider - the XmlResultProvider that will provide the XML data
the implementation specific instance
See Also:
SqlXmlValue, SQLXML.setResult(Class)


SqlXmlValue newSqlXmlValue(Document doc)
Get an instance of an SqlXmlValue implementation to be used together with the database specific implementation of this SqlXmlHandler.

doc - the XML Document to be used
the implementation specific instance
See Also:

The Spring Framework

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