The Spring Framework

Class TopLinkTransactionManager

  extended by
      extended by org.springframework.orm.toplink.TopLinkTransactionManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, InitializingBean, PlatformTransactionManager, ResourceTransactionManager

public class TopLinkTransactionManager
extends AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
implements ResourceTransactionManager, InitializingBean

PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single TopLink SessionFactory. Binds a TopLink Session from the specified factory to the thread, potentially allowing for one thread-bound Session per factory. SessionFactoryUtils and TopLinkTemplate are aware of thread-bound Sessions and participate in such transactions automatically. Using either of those or going through Session.getActiveUnitOfWork() is required for TopLink access code supporting this transaction handling mechanism.

This transaction manager is appropriate for applications that use a single TopLink SessionFactory for transactional data access. JTA (usually through JtaTransactionManager) is necessary for accessing multiple transactional resources within the same transaction. Note that you need to configure TopLink with an appropriate external transaction controller in order to make it participate in JTA transactions.

This transaction manager also supports direct DataSource access within a transaction (i.e. plain JDBC code working with the same DataSource), but only for transactions that are not marked as read-only. This allows for mixing services which access TopLink and services which use plain JDBC (without being aware of TopLink)! Application code needs to stick to the same simple Connection lookup pattern as with DataSourceTransactionManager (i.e. DataSourceUtils.getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource) or going through a TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy).

Note: To be able to register a DataSource's Connection for plain JDBC code, this instance needs to be aware of the DataSource (setDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource)). The given DataSource should obviously match the one used by the given TopLink SessionFactory.

On JDBC 3.0, this transaction manager supports nested transactions via JDBC 3.0 Savepoints. The AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.setNestedTransactionAllowed(boolean) "nestedTransactionAllowed"} flag defaults to "false", though, as nested transactions will just apply to the JDBC Connection, not to the TopLink PersistenceManager and its cached objects. You can manually set the flag to "true" if you want to use nested transactions for JDBC access code which participates in TopLink transactions (provided that your JDBC driver supports Savepoints). Note that TopLink itself does not support nested transactions! Hence, do not expect TopLink access code to semantically participate in a nested transaction.

Thanks to Slavik Markovich for implementing the initial TopLink support prototype!

Juergen Hoeller, James Clark
See Also:
setSessionFactory(org.springframework.orm.toplink.SessionFactory), setDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource), LocalSessionFactoryBean, SessionFactoryUtils.getSession(org.springframework.orm.toplink.SessionFactory, boolean), SessionFactoryUtils.releaseSession(oracle.toplink.sessions.Session, org.springframework.orm.toplink.SessionFactory), TopLinkTemplate, Session.getActiveUnitOfWork(), DataSourceUtils.getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource), DataSourceUtils.applyTransactionTimeout(java.sql.Statement, javax.sql.DataSource), DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(java.sql.Connection, javax.sql.DataSource), JdbcTemplate, DataSourceTransactionManager, JtaTransactionManager, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          Create a new TopLinkTransactionManager instance.
TopLinkTransactionManager(SessionFactory sessionFactory)
          Create a new TopLinkTransactionManager instance.
Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
          Invoked by a BeanFactory after it has set all bean properties supplied (and satisfied BeanFactoryAware and ApplicationContextAware).
protected  DataAccessException convertTopLinkAccessException(oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException ex)
          Convert the given TopLinkException to an appropriate exception from the org.springframework.dao hierarchy.
protected  void doBegin(Object transaction, TransactionDefinition definition)
          Begin a new transaction with semantics according to the given transaction definition.
protected  void doCleanupAfterCompletion(Object transaction)
          Cleanup resources after transaction completion.
protected  void doCommit(DefaultTransactionStatus status)
          Perform an actual commit of the given transaction.
protected  Object doGetTransaction()
          Return a transaction object for the current transaction state.
protected  void doResume(Object transaction, Object suspendedResources)
          Resume the resources of the current transaction.
protected  void doRollback(DefaultTransactionStatus status)
          Perform an actual rollback of the given transaction.
protected  void doSetRollbackOnly(DefaultTransactionStatus status)
          Set the given transaction rollback-only.
protected  Object doSuspend(Object transaction)
          Suspend the resources of the current transaction.
 DataSource getDataSource()
          Return the JDBC DataSource that this instance manages transactions for.
protected  Connection getJdbcConnection(oracle.toplink.sessions.Session session)
          Extract the underlying JDBC Connection from the given TopLink Session.
 SQLExceptionTranslator getJdbcExceptionTranslator()
          Return the JDBC exception translator for this transaction manager, if any.
 Object getResourceFactory()
          Return the resource factory that this transaction manager operates on, e.g. a JDBC DataSource or a JMS ConnectionFactory.
 SessionFactory getSessionFactory()
          Return the SessionFactory that this instance should manage transactions for.
protected  boolean isExistingTransaction(Object transaction)
          Check if the given transaction object indicates an existing transaction (that is, a transaction which has already started).
 boolean isLazyDatabaseTransaction()
          Return whether to lazily start a database transaction within a TopLink transaction.
 void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
          Set the JDBC DataSource that this instance should manage transactions for.
 void setJdbcExceptionTranslator(SQLExceptionTranslator jdbcExceptionTranslator)
          Set the JDBC exception translator for this transaction manager.
 void setLazyDatabaseTransaction(boolean lazyDatabaseTransaction)
          Set whether to lazily start a database transaction within a TopLink transaction.
 void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory)
          Set the the TopLink SessionFactory to manage transactions for.
Methods inherited from class
commit, determineTimeout, getDefaultTimeout, getTransaction, getTransactionSynchronization, invokeAfterCompletion, isFailEarlyOnGlobalRollbackOnly, isGlobalRollbackOnParticipationFailure, isNestedTransactionAllowed, isRollbackOnCommitFailure, isValidateExistingTransaction, newTransactionStatus, prepareForCommit, registerAfterCompletionWithExistingTransaction, resume, rollback, setDefaultTimeout, setFailEarlyOnGlobalRollbackOnly, setGlobalRollbackOnParticipationFailure, setNestedTransactionAllowed, setRollbackOnCommitFailure, setTransactionSynchronization, setTransactionSynchronizationName, setValidateExistingTransaction, shouldCommitOnGlobalRollbackOnly, suspend, triggerBeforeCommit, triggerBeforeCompletion, useSavepointForNestedTransaction
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager
commit, getTransaction, rollback

Constructor Detail


public TopLinkTransactionManager()
Create a new TopLinkTransactionManager instance. A SessionFactory has to be specified to be able to use it.

See Also:


public TopLinkTransactionManager(SessionFactory sessionFactory)
Create a new TopLinkTransactionManager instance.

sessionFactory - the TopLink SessionFactory to manage transactions for
Method Detail


public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory)
Set the the TopLink SessionFactory to manage transactions for. This will usually be a ServerSessionFactory.

The passed-in SessionFactory will be asked for a plain Session in case of a read-only transaction (where no active UnitOfWork is supposed to be available), and for a managed Session else (with an active UnitOfWork that will be committed by this transaction manager).

See Also:
ServerSessionFactory, SessionFactory.createSession(), SessionFactory.createManagedClientSession()


public SessionFactory getSessionFactory()
Return the SessionFactory that this instance should manage transactions for.


public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
Set the JDBC DataSource that this instance should manage transactions for. The DataSource should match the one used by the TopLink SessionFactory: for example, you could specify the same JNDI DataSource for both.

A transactional JDBC Connection for this DataSource will be provided to application code accessing this DataSource directly via DataSourceUtils or JdbcTemplate. The Connection will be taken from the TopLink Session. This will only happen for transactions that are not marked as read-only. TopLink does not support database transactions for pure read-only operations on a Session (that is, without a UnitOfWork).

Note that you need to use a TopLink Session with a DatabaseAccessor to allow for exposing TopLink transactions as JDBC transactions. This is the case of all standard TopLink configurations.

The DataSource specified here should be the target DataSource to manage transactions for, not a TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy. Only data access code may work with TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy, while the transaction manager needs to work on the underlying target DataSource. If there's nevertheless a TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy passed in, it will be unwrapped to extract its target DataSource.

See Also:
TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy, DataSourceUtils, JdbcTemplate


public DataSource getDataSource()
Return the JDBC DataSource that this instance manages transactions for.


public void setLazyDatabaseTransaction(boolean lazyDatabaseTransaction)
Set whether to lazily start a database transaction within a TopLink transaction.

By default, database transactions are started early. This allows for reusing the same JDBC Connection throughout an entire transaction, including read operations, and also for exposing TopLink transactions to JDBC access code (working on the same DataSource).

It is only recommended to switch this flag to "true" when no JDBC access code is involved in any of the transactions, and when it is acceptable to perform read operations outside of the transactional JDBC Connection.

See Also:
setDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource), UnitOfWork.beginEarlyTransaction()


public boolean isLazyDatabaseTransaction()
Return whether to lazily start a database transaction within a TopLink transaction.


public void setJdbcExceptionTranslator(SQLExceptionTranslator jdbcExceptionTranslator)
Set the JDBC exception translator for this transaction manager.

Applied to any SQLException root cause of a TopLink DatabaseException that is thrown on commit. The default is to rely on TopLink's native exception translation.

jdbcExceptionTranslator - the exception translator
See Also:
DatabaseException, SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator, SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator, setDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource)


public SQLExceptionTranslator getJdbcExceptionTranslator()
Return the JDBC exception translator for this transaction manager, if any.


public void afterPropertiesSet()
Description copied from interface: InitializingBean
Invoked by a BeanFactory after it has set all bean properties supplied (and satisfied BeanFactoryAware and ApplicationContextAware).

This method allows the bean instance to perform initialization only possible when all bean properties have been set and to throw an exception in the event of misconfiguration.

Specified by:
afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean


public Object getResourceFactory()
Description copied from interface: ResourceTransactionManager
Return the resource factory that this transaction manager operates on, e.g. a JDBC DataSource or a JMS ConnectionFactory.

This target resource factory is usually used as resource key for TransactionSynchronizationManager's resource bindings per thread.

Specified by:
getResourceFactory in interface ResourceTransactionManager
the target resource factory (never null)
See Also:
TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object), TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource(java.lang.Object)


protected Object doGetTransaction()
Description copied from class: AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
Return a transaction object for the current transaction state.

The returned object will usually be specific to the concrete transaction manager implementation, carrying corresponding transaction state in a modifiable fashion. This object will be passed into the other template methods (e.g. doBegin and doCommit), either directly or as part of a DefaultTransactionStatus instance.

The returned object should contain information about any existing transaction, that is, a transaction that has already started before the current getTransaction call on the transaction manager. Consequently, a doGetTransaction implementation will usually look for an existing transaction and store corresponding state in the returned transaction object.

Specified by:
doGetTransaction in class AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
the current transaction object
See Also:
AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.doBegin(java.lang.Object, org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition), AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.doCommit(, AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.doRollback(, DefaultTransactionStatus.getTransaction()


protected boolean isExistingTransaction(Object transaction)
Description copied from class: AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
Check if the given transaction object indicates an existing transaction (that is, a transaction which has already started).

The result will be evaluated according to the specified propagation behavior for the new transaction. An existing transaction might get suspended (in case of PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW), or the new transaction might participate in the existing one (in case of PROPAGATION_REQUIRED).

The default implementation returns false, assuming that participating in existing transactions is generally not supported. Subclasses are of course encouraged to provide such support.

isExistingTransaction in class AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
transaction - transaction object returned by doGetTransaction
if there is an existing transaction
See Also:


protected void doBegin(Object transaction,
                       TransactionDefinition definition)
Description copied from class: AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
Begin a new transaction with semantics according to the given transaction definition. Does not have to care about applying the propagation behavior, as this has already been handled by this abstract manager.

This method gets called when the transaction manager has decided to actually start a new transaction. Either there wasn't any transaction before, or the previous transaction has been suspended.

A special scenario is a nested transaction without savepoint: If useSavepointForNestedTransaction() returns "false", this method will be called to start a nested transaction when necessary. In such a context, there will be an active transaction: The implementation of this method has to detect this and start an appropriate nested transaction.

Specified by:
doBegin in class AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
transaction - transaction object returned by doGetTransaction
definition - TransactionDefinition instance, describing propagation behavior, isolation level, read-only flag, timeout, and transaction name


protected Connection getJdbcConnection(oracle.toplink.sessions.Session session)
Extract the underlying JDBC Connection from the given TopLink Session.

Default implementation casts to oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session and fetches the Connection from the DatabaseAccessor exposed there.

session - the current TopLink Session
the underlying JDBC Connection, or null if none found
See Also:
Session.getAccessor(), DatabaseAccessor.getConnection()


protected Object doSuspend(Object transaction)
Description copied from class: AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
Suspend the resources of the current transaction. Transaction synchronization will already have been suspended.

The default implementation throws a TransactionSuspensionNotSupportedException, assuming that transaction suspension is generally not supported.

doSuspend in class AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
transaction - transaction object returned by doGetTransaction
an object that holds suspended resources (will be kept unexamined for passing it into doResume)
See Also:
AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.doResume(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)


protected void doResume(Object transaction,
                        Object suspendedResources)
Description copied from class: AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
Resume the resources of the current transaction. Transaction synchronization will be resumed afterwards.

The default implementation throws a TransactionSuspensionNotSupportedException, assuming that transaction suspension is generally not supported.

doResume in class AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
transaction - transaction object returned by doGetTransaction
suspendedResources - the object that holds suspended resources, as returned by doSuspend
See Also:


protected void doCommit(DefaultTransactionStatus status)
Description copied from class: AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
Perform an actual commit of the given transaction.

An implementation does not need to check the "new transaction" flag or the rollback-only flag; this will already have been handled before. Usually, a straight commit will be performed on the transaction object contained in the passed-in status.

Specified by:
doCommit in class AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
status - the status representation of the transaction
See Also:


protected void doRollback(DefaultTransactionStatus status)
Description copied from class: AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
Perform an actual rollback of the given transaction.

An implementation does not need to check the "new transaction" flag; this will already have been handled before. Usually, a straight rollback will be performed on the transaction object contained in the passed-in status.

Specified by:
doRollback in class AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
status - the status representation of the transaction
See Also:


protected void doSetRollbackOnly(DefaultTransactionStatus status)
Description copied from class: AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
Set the given transaction rollback-only. Only called on rollback if the current transaction participates in an existing one.

The default implementation throws an IllegalTransactionStateException, assuming that participating in existing transactions is generally not supported. Subclasses are of course encouraged to provide such support.

doSetRollbackOnly in class AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
status - the status representation of the transaction


protected void doCleanupAfterCompletion(Object transaction)
Description copied from class: AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
Cleanup resources after transaction completion.

Called after doCommit and doRollback execution, on any outcome. The default implementation does nothing.

Should not throw any exceptions but just issue warnings on errors.

doCleanupAfterCompletion in class AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
transaction - transaction object returned by doGetTransaction


protected DataAccessException convertTopLinkAccessException(oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException ex)
Convert the given TopLinkException to an appropriate exception from the org.springframework.dao hierarchy.

Will automatically apply a specified SQLExceptionTranslator to a TopLink DatabaseException, else rely on TopLink's default translation.

ex - TopLinkException that occured
a corresponding DataAccessException
See Also:
SessionFactoryUtils.convertTopLinkAccessException(oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException), setJdbcExceptionTranslator(

The Spring Framework

Copyright © 2002-2007 The Spring Framework.