The Spring Framework

Class PortletRequestAttributes

  extended by org.springframework.web.context.request.AbstractRequestAttributes
      extended by org.springframework.web.portlet.context.PortletRequestAttributes
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PortletRequestAttributes
extends AbstractRequestAttributes

Portlet-based implementation of the RequestAttributes interface.

Accesses objects from portlet request and portlet session scope, with a distinction between "session" (the PortletSession's "portlet scope") and "global session" (the PortletSession's "application scope").

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
PortletRequest.getAttribute(java.lang.String), PortletSession.getAttribute(java.lang.String), PortletSession.PORTLET_SCOPE, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE, RequestAttributes.SCOPE_SESSION, RequestAttributes.SCOPE_GLOBAL_SESSION

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.web.context.request.AbstractRequestAttributes
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestAttributes
Constructor Summary
PortletRequestAttributes(PortletRequest request)
          Create a new PortletRequestAttributes instance for the given request.
Method Summary
 Object getAttribute(String name, int scope)
          Return the value for the scoped attribute of the given name, if any.
protected  PortletRequest getRequest()
          Expose the PortletRequest that we're wrapping to subclasses.
protected  PortletSession getSession(boolean allowCreate)
          Exposes the PortletSession that we're wrapping.
 String getSessionId()
          Return an id for the current underlying session.
 Object getSessionMutex()
          Expose the best available mutex for the underlying session: that is, an object to synchronize on for the underlying session.
 void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback, int scope)
          Register a callback to be executed at destruction of the specified attribute in the given scope.
 void removeAttribute(String name, int scope)
          Remove the scoped attribute of the given name, if it exists.
 void setAttribute(String name, Object value, int scope)
          Set the value for the scoped attribute of the given name.
protected  void updateAccessedSessionAttributes()
          Update all accessed session attributes through session.setAttribute calls, explicitly indicating to the container that they might have been modified.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.web.context.request.AbstractRequestAttributes
registerRequestDestructionCallback, removeRequestDestructionCallback, requestCompleted
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PortletRequestAttributes(PortletRequest request)
Create a new PortletRequestAttributes instance for the given request.

request - current portlet request
Method Detail


protected final PortletRequest getRequest()
Expose the PortletRequest that we're wrapping to subclasses.


protected final PortletSession getSession(boolean allowCreate)
Exposes the PortletSession that we're wrapping.

allowCreate - whether to allow creation of a new session if none exists yet


public Object getAttribute(String name,
                           int scope)
Description copied from interface: RequestAttributes
Return the value for the scoped attribute of the given name, if any.

name - the name of the attribute
scope - the scope identifier
the current attribute value, or null if not found


public void setAttribute(String name,
                         Object value,
                         int scope)
Description copied from interface: RequestAttributes
Set the value for the scoped attribute of the given name. Replaces an existing value, if any.

name - the name of the attribute
value - the value for the attribute
scope - the scope identifier


public void removeAttribute(String name,
                            int scope)
Description copied from interface: RequestAttributes
Remove the scoped attribute of the given name, if it exists.

name - the name of the attribute
scope - the scope identifier


public void registerDestructionCallback(String name,
                                        Runnable callback,
                                        int scope)
Description copied from interface: RequestAttributes
Register a callback to be executed at destruction of the specified attribute in the given scope.

Implementations should do their best to execute the callback at the appropriate time: that is, at request completion or session termination, respectively. If such a callback is not supported by the underlying runtime environment, the callback must be ignored and a corresponding warning should be logged.

Note that destruction usually corresponds to destruction of the entire scope, not to the individual attribute having been removed. If an attribute gets removed via this facade's RequestAttributes.removeAttribute(String, int) method, any registered destruction callback should be disabled as well (assuming that the removed object will be reused or manually destroyed).

name - the name of the attribute to register the callback for
callback - the destruction callback to be executed
scope - the scope identifier


public String getSessionId()
Description copied from interface: RequestAttributes
Return an id for the current underlying session.


public Object getSessionMutex()
Description copied from interface: RequestAttributes
Expose the best available mutex for the underlying session: that is, an object to synchronize on for the underlying session.


protected void updateAccessedSessionAttributes()
Update all accessed session attributes through session.setAttribute calls, explicitly indicating to the container that they might have been modified.

Specified by:
updateAccessedSessionAttributes in class AbstractRequestAttributes

The Spring Framework

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