The Spring Framework

Package org.springframework.orm.jpa

Package providing integration of JPA (Java Persistence API) with Spring concepts.


Interface Summary
EntityManagerFactoryInfo Metadata interface for a Spring-managed EntityManagerFactory.
EntityManagerFactoryPlus Extension of the standard JPA EntityManagerFactory interface, linking in Spring's EntityManagerFactoryPlusOperations interface which defines additional operations (beyond JPA 1.0) in a vendor-independent fashion.
EntityManagerFactoryPlusOperations Interface that defines common operations beyond the standard JPA EntityManagerFactory interface, in a vendor-independent fashion.
EntityManagerPlus Extension of the standard JPA EntityManager interface, linking in Spring's EntityManagerPlusOperations interface which defines additional operations (beyond JPA 1.0) in a vendor-independent fashion.
EntityManagerPlusOperations Interface that defines common operations beyond the standard JPA EntityManager interface, in a vendor-independent fashion.
JpaCallback Callback interface for JPA code.
JpaDialect SPI strategy that encapsulates certain functionality that standard JPA 1.0 does not offer, such as access to the underlying JDBC Connection.
JpaOperations Interface that specifies a basic set of JPA operations, implemented by JpaTemplate.
JpaVendorAdapter SPI interface that allows to plug in vendor-specific behavior into Spring's EntityManagerFactory creators.

Class Summary
AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean Abstract base class for a FactoryBean that creates a local JPA EntityManagerFactory instance with a Spring application context.
DefaultJpaDialect Default implementation of the JpaDialect interface.
EntityManagerFactoryAccessor Base class for any class that needs to access an EntityManagerFactory, usually in order to obtain an EntityManager.
EntityManagerFactoryUtils Helper class featuring methods for JPA EntityManager handling, allowing for reuse of EntityManager instances within transactions.
EntityManagerHolder Holder wrapping a JPA EntityManager.
ExtendedEntityManagerCreator Factory for dynamic EntityManager proxies that follow the JPA spec's semantics for "extended" EntityManagers.
JpaAccessor Base class for JpaTemplate and JpaInterceptor, defining common properties such as EntityManagerFactory and flushing behavior.
JpaInterceptor This interceptor binds a new JPA EntityManager to the thread before a method call, closing and removing it afterwards in case of any method outcome.
JpaTemplate Helper class that allows for writing JPA data access code in the same style as with Spring's well-known JdoTemplate and HibernateTemplate classes.
JpaTransactionManager PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JPA EntityManagerFactory.
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean Powerful FactoryBean that creates a fully Spring-configured EntityManagerFactory according to the container contract for JPA bootstrapping As with LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean, configuration settings are usually read in from a META-INF/persistence.xml config file, residing in the class path, according to the general JPA configuration contract.
LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean FactoryBean that creates a local JPA EntityManagerFactory instance according to JPA's standard standalone bootstrap contract.
SharedEntityManagerCreator Factory for a shared JPA EntityManager for a given EntityManagerFactory.

Exception Summary
JpaObjectRetrievalFailureException JPA-specific subclass of ObjectRetrievalFailureException.
JpaOptimisticLockingFailureException JPA-specific subclass of ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException.
JpaSystemException JPA-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException, for JPA system errors that do not match any concrete org.springframework.dao exceptions.

Package org.springframework.orm.jpa Description

Package providing integration of JPA (Java Persistence API) with Spring concepts. Contains EntityManagerFactory helper classes, a template plus callback for JPA access, and an implementation of Spring's transaction SPI for local JPA transactions.

The Spring Framework

Copyright © 2002-2007 The Spring Framework.