The Spring Framework

Interface Lifecycle

All Known Subinterfaces:
ConfigurableApplicationContext, ConfigurablePortletApplicationContext, ConfigurableWebApplicationContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractApplicationContext, AbstractMessageListenerContainer, AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext, AbstractRefreshablePortletApplicationContext, AbstractRefreshableWebApplicationContext, AbstractXmlApplicationContext, ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, DefaultMessageListenerContainer, DefaultMessageListenerContainer102, FileSystemXmlApplicationContext, GenericApplicationContext, GenericWebApplicationContext, SchedulerFactoryBean, ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer, ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer102, SimpleMessageListenerContainer, SimpleMessageListenerContainer102, StaticApplicationContext, StaticPortletApplicationContext, StaticWebApplicationContext, TimerManagerFactoryBean, XmlPortletApplicationContext, XmlWebApplicationContext

public interface Lifecycle

Interface defining methods for start/stop lifecycle control. The typical use case for this is to control asynchronous processing.

Can be implemented by both components (typically a Spring bean defined in a Spring BeanFactory) and containers (typically a Spring ApplicationContext). Containers will propagate start/stop signals to all components that apply.

Can be used for direct invocations or for management operations via JMX. In the latter case, the MBeanExporter will typically be defined with an InterfaceBasedMBeanInfoAssembler, restricting the visibility of activity-controlled components to the Lifecycle interface.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
ConfigurableApplicationContext, AbstractMessageListenerContainer, SchedulerFactoryBean, MBeanExporter

Method Summary
 boolean isRunning()
          Return whether the component is running.
 void start()
          Start the component.
 void stop()
          Stop the component.

Method Detail


void start()
Start the component. Should not throw an exception if the component is already running.

In the case of a container, this will propagate the start signal to all components that apply.


void stop()
Stop the component. Should not throw an exception if the component isn't started yet.

In the case of a container, this will propagate the stop signal to all components that apply.


boolean isRunning()
Return whether the component is running.

In the case of a container, this will return true only if all components that apply are running.

The Spring Framework

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