The Spring Framework


This package contains implementations of the org.springframework.aop.TargetSource interface.


Interface Summary
PoolingConfig Config interface for a pooling target source.
ThreadLocalTargetSourceStats Statistics for a ThreadLocal TargetSource.

Class Summary
AbstractBeanFactoryBasedTargetSource Base class for TargetSource implementations that are based on a Spring BeanFactory, delegating to Spring-managed bean instances.
AbstractLazyCreationTargetSource TargetSource that will lazily create a user-managed object.
AbstractPoolingTargetSource Abstract superclass for pooling TargetSources that maintains a pool of target instances, acquiring and releasing a target object from the pool for each method invocation.
AbstractPrototypeBasedTargetSource Base class for dynamic TargetSources that can create new prototype bean instances to support a pooling or new-instance-per-invocation strategy.
CommonsPoolTargetSource TargetSource implementation that holds objects in a configurable Jakarta Commons Pool.
EmptyTargetSource Canonical TargetSource when there is no target, and behavior is supplied by interfaces and advisors.
HotSwappableTargetSource Implementation of TargetSource interface that caches a local target object, but allows the target to be swapped while the application is running.
LazyInitTargetSource TargetSource that lazily accesses a singleton bean from a BeanFactory.
PrototypeTargetSource TargetSource that creates a new instance of the target bean for each request.
SingletonTargetSource Implementation of the TargetSource interface that holds a given object.
ThreadLocalTargetSource Alternative to an object pool.

Package Description

This package contains implementations of the org.springframework.aop.TargetSource interface.
The simplest implementation is the SingletonTargetSource, used by default in the AOP framework to wrap a single target instance. This is normally appropriate.
Other provided implementations include pooling implementations, that provide a target from a pool for each request, ensuring a single threaded programming model; and a "prototype" implementation, that uses a new target instance for each invocation.

The Spring Framework

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