The Spring Framework

Class AdvisedSupport

  extended by org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyConfig
      extended by org.springframework.aop.framework.AdvisedSupport
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Advised
Direct Known Subclasses:
AspectJProxyFactory, ProxyFactory, ProxyFactoryBean

public class AdvisedSupport
extends ProxyConfig
implements Advised

Superclass for AOP proxy configuration managers. These are not themselves AOP proxies, but subclasses of this class are normally factories from which AOP proxy instances are obtained directly.

This class frees subclasses of the housekeeping of Advices and Advisors, but doesn't actually implement proxy creation methods, which are provided by subclasses.

This class is serializable; subclasses need not be. This class is used to hold snapshots of proxies.

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
AopProxy, Serialized Form

Field Summary
static TargetSource EMPTY_TARGET_SOURCE
          Canonical TargetSource when there's no target, and behavior is supplied by the advisors.
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyConfig
exposeProxy, logger
Constructor Summary
          No-arg constructor to allow use as a JavaBean.
AdvisedSupport(Class[] interfaces)
          Create a DefaultProxyConfig with the given parameters.
Method Summary
 void addAdvice(Advice advice)
          Add the given AOP Alliance advice to the tail of the advice (interceptor) chain.
 void addAdvice(int pos, Advice advice)
          Cannot add introductions this way unless the advice implements IntroductionInfo.
 void addAdvisor(Advisor advisor)
          Add an Advisor at the end of the advisor chain.
 void addAdvisor(int pos, Advisor advisor)
          Add an Advisor at the specified position in the chain.
 void addAdvisor(int pos, IntroductionAdvisor advisor)
 void addAllAdvisors(Advisor[] advisors)
 void addInterface(Class newInterface)
          Add a new proxied interface.
 void addListener(AdvisedSupportListener listener)
protected  void adviceChanged()
          Invoked when advice has changed.
 boolean adviceIncluded(Advice advice)
          Is this advice included in any advisor?
protected  void copyConfigurationFrom(AdvisedSupport other)
          Call this method on a new instance created by the no-arg constructor to create an independent copy of the configuration from the other.
protected  void copyConfigurationFrom(AdvisedSupport other, TargetSource ts, List pAdvisors)
          Take interfaces and ProxyConfig configuration from the other AdvisedSupport, but allow substitution of a fresh TargetSource and interceptor chain
 int countAdvicesOfType(Class interceptorClass)
          Count advices of the given class
protected  AopProxy createAopProxy()
          Subclasses should call this to get a new AOP proxy.
 AdvisorChainFactory getAdvisorChainFactory()
 Advisor[] getAdvisors()
          Return the Advisors applying to this proxy.
protected  List getAdvisorsInternal()
          Allows uncontrolled access to the List of Advisors.
 Class[] getProxiedInterfaces()
          Return the interfaces proxied by the AOP proxy.
 TargetSource getTargetSource()
          Return the TargetSource used by this Advised object.
 int indexOf(Advice advice)
          Return the index (from 0) of the given AOP Alliance Advice, or -1 if no such advice is an advice for this proxy.
 int indexOf(Advisor advisor)
          Return the index (from 0) of the given advisor, or -1 if no such advisor applies to this proxy.
protected  boolean isActive()
          Subclasses can call this to check whether any AOP proxies have been created yet.
 boolean isInterfaceProxied(Class intf)
          Return whether this interface is proxied.
 boolean removeAdvice(Advice advice)
          Remove the Advisor containing the given advice
 boolean removeAdvisor(Advisor advisor)
          Remove the given advisor.
 void removeAdvisor(int index)
          Remove the advisor at the given index.
 boolean removeInterface(Class intf)
          Remove a proxied interface.
 void removeListener(AdvisedSupportListener listener)
 boolean replaceAdvisor(Advisor a, Advisor b)
          Replace the given advisor.
 void setAdvisorChainFactory(AdvisorChainFactory advisorChainFactory)
 void setInterfaces(Class[] interfaces)
          Set the interfaces to be proxied.
 void setTarget(Object target)
          Set the given object as target.
 void setTargetSource(TargetSource targetSource)
          Change the TargetSource used by this Advised object.
 String toProxyConfigString()
          As toString() will normally be delegated to the target, this returns the equivalent for the AOP proxy.
 String toString()
          For debugging/diagnostic use.
protected  void updateAdvisorArray()
          Bring the array up to date with the list.
protected  Object writeReplace()
          Serializes a copy of the state of this class, ignoring subclass state.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyConfig
copyFrom, getAopProxyFactory, isExposeProxy, isFrozen, isOpaque, isOptimize, isProxyTargetClass, setAopProxyFactory, setExposeProxy, setFrozen, setOpaque, setOptimize, setProxyTargetClass
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised
isExposeProxy, isFrozen, isProxyTargetClass, setExposeProxy

Field Detail


public static final TargetSource EMPTY_TARGET_SOURCE
Canonical TargetSource when there's no target, and behavior is supplied by the advisors.

Constructor Detail


public AdvisedSupport()
No-arg constructor to allow use as a JavaBean.


public AdvisedSupport(Class[] interfaces)
Create a DefaultProxyConfig with the given parameters.

interfaces - the proxied interfaces
Method Detail


public void addListener(AdvisedSupportListener listener)


public void removeListener(AdvisedSupportListener listener)


public void setTarget(Object target)
Set the given object as target. Will create a SingletonTargetSource for the object.

See Also:
setTargetSource(org.springframework.aop.TargetSource), SingletonTargetSource


public void setTargetSource(TargetSource targetSource)
Description copied from interface: Advised
Change the TargetSource used by this Advised object. Only works if the configuration isn't frozen.

Specified by:
setTargetSource in interface Advised
targetSource - new TargetSource to use


public TargetSource getTargetSource()
Description copied from interface: Advised
Return the TargetSource used by this Advised object.

Specified by:
getTargetSource in interface Advised


public void setAdvisorChainFactory(AdvisorChainFactory advisorChainFactory)


public AdvisorChainFactory getAdvisorChainFactory()


protected void copyConfigurationFrom(AdvisedSupport other)
Call this method on a new instance created by the no-arg constructor to create an independent copy of the configuration from the other.

other - AdvisedSupport to copy configuration from


protected void copyConfigurationFrom(AdvisedSupport other,
                                     TargetSource ts,
                                     List pAdvisors)
Take interfaces and ProxyConfig configuration from the other AdvisedSupport, but allow substitution of a fresh TargetSource and interceptor chain

other - other AdvisedSupport object to take interfaces and ProxyConfig superclass configuration from
ts - new TargetSource
pAdvisors - new Advisor chain


public void setInterfaces(Class[] interfaces)
Set the interfaces to be proxied.


public void addInterface(Class newInterface)
Add a new proxied interface.

newInterface - additional interface to proxy


public Class[] getProxiedInterfaces()
Description copied from interface: Advised
Return the interfaces proxied by the AOP proxy. Will not include the target class, which may also be proxied.

Specified by:
getProxiedInterfaces in interface Advised
the interfaces proxied by the AOP proxy


public boolean removeInterface(Class intf)
Remove a proxied interface. Does nothing if it isn't proxied.


public void addAdvice(Advice advice)
               throws AopConfigException
Description copied from interface: Advised
Add the given AOP Alliance advice to the tail of the advice (interceptor) chain.

This will be wrapped in a DefaultPointcutAdvisor with a pointcut that always applies, and returned from the getAdvisors() method in this wrapped form.

Note that the given advice will apply to all invocations on the proxy, even to the toString() method! Use appropriate advice implementations or specify appropriate pointcuts to apply to a narrower set of methods.

Specified by:
addAdvice in interface Advised
advice - advice to add to the tail of the chain
See Also:
Advised.addAdvice(int, Advice), DefaultPointcutAdvisor


public boolean isInterfaceProxied(Class intf)
Description copied from interface: Advised
Return whether this interface is proxied.

Specified by:
isInterfaceProxied in interface Advised
intf - the interface to test


public void addAdvice(int pos,
                      Advice advice)
               throws AopConfigException
Cannot add introductions this way unless the advice implements IntroductionInfo.

Specified by:
addAdvice in interface Advised
pos - index from 0 (head)
advice - advice to add at the specified position in the advice chain


public final boolean removeAdvice(Advice advice)
                           throws AopConfigException
Remove the Advisor containing the given advice

Specified by:
removeAdvice in interface Advised
advice - advice to remove
whether the Advice was found and removed (false if there was no such advice)


public int indexOf(Advice advice)
Return the index (from 0) of the given AOP Alliance Advice, or -1 if no such advice is an advice for this proxy. The return value of this method can be used to index into the Advisors array.

advice - AOP Alliance advice to search for
index from 0 of this advice, or -1 if there's no such advice.


public int indexOf(Advisor advisor)
Return the index (from 0) of the given advisor, or -1 if no such advisor applies to this proxy. The return value of this method can be used to index into the Advisors array.

Specified by:
indexOf in interface Advised
advisor - advisor to search for
index from 0 of this advisor, or -1 if there's no such advisor.


public final boolean removeAdvisor(Advisor advisor)
Description copied from interface: Advised
Remove the given advisor.

Specified by:
removeAdvisor in interface Advised
advisor - advisor to remove
true if the advisor was removed; false if the advisor was not found and hence could not be removed


public void removeAdvisor(int index)
                   throws AopConfigException
Description copied from interface: Advised
Remove the advisor at the given index.

Specified by:
removeAdvisor in interface Advised
index - index of advisor to remove
AopConfigException - if the index is invalid


public void addAdvisor(int pos,
                       IntroductionAdvisor advisor)
                throws AopConfigException


public void addAdvisor(int pos,
                       Advisor advisor)
                throws AopConfigException
Description copied from interface: Advised
Add an Advisor at the specified position in the chain.

Specified by:
addAdvisor in interface Advised
pos - position in chain (0 is head). Must be valid.
advisor - advisor to add at the specified position in the chain


public void addAdvisor(Advisor advisor)
Description copied from interface: Advised
Add an Advisor at the end of the advisor chain.

The Advisor may be an IntroductionAdvisor, in which new interfaces will be available when a proxy is next obtained from the relevant factory.

Specified by:
addAdvisor in interface Advised
advisor - Advisor to add to the end of the chain


public void addAllAdvisors(Advisor[] advisors)


protected final void updateAdvisorArray()
Bring the array up to date with the list.


public final Advisor[] getAdvisors()
Description copied from interface: Advised
Return the Advisors applying to this proxy.

Specified by:
getAdvisors in interface Advised
a list of Advisors applying to this proxy. Cannot return null, but may return the empty array.


protected final List getAdvisorsInternal()
Allows uncontrolled access to the List of Advisors. Use with care, and remember to refresh the advisor array and fire advice changed events when making any modifications.


public final boolean replaceAdvisor(Advisor a,
                                    Advisor b)
                             throws AopConfigException
Replace the given advisor.

NB: If the advisor is an IntroductionAdvisor and the replacement is not or implements different interfaces, the proxy will need to be re-obtained or the old interfaces won't be supported and the new interface won't be implemented.

Specified by:
replaceAdvisor in interface Advised
a - advisor to replace
b - advisor to replace it with
whether it was replaced. If the advisor wasn't found in the list of advisors, this method returns false and does nothing.


public final boolean adviceIncluded(Advice advice)
Is this advice included in any advisor?

advice - advice to check inclusion of
whether this advice instance could be run in an invocation


public final int countAdvicesOfType(Class interceptorClass)
Count advices of the given class

interceptorClass - class of the interceptor to check
the count of the interceptors of this class or subclasses


protected final void adviceChanged()
Invoked when advice has changed.


protected AopProxy createAopProxy()
Subclasses should call this to get a new AOP proxy. They should not create an AOP proxy with this as an argument.


protected final boolean isActive()
Subclasses can call this to check whether any AOP proxies have been created yet.


protected Object writeReplace()
Serializes a copy of the state of this class, ignoring subclass state.


public String toProxyConfigString()
Description copied from interface: Advised
As toString() will normally be delegated to the target, this returns the equivalent for the AOP proxy.

Specified by:
toProxyConfigString in interface Advised
a string description of the proxy configuration


public String toString()
For debugging/diagnostic use.

toString in class ProxyConfig

The Spring Framework

Copyright © 2002-2007 The Spring Framework.