The Spring Framework

Uses of Class

Packages that use ConcurrencyThrottleSupport
org.springframework.aop.interceptor Provides miscellaneous interceptor implementations. 
org.springframework.core.task This package defines Spring's core TaskExecutor abstraction, and provides SyncTaskExecutor and SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor implementations. 

Uses of ConcurrencyThrottleSupport in org.springframework.aop.interceptor

Subclasses of ConcurrencyThrottleSupport in org.springframework.aop.interceptor
 class ConcurrencyThrottleInterceptor
          Interceptor that throttles concurrent access, blocking invocations if a specified concurrency limit is reached.

Uses of ConcurrencyThrottleSupport in org.springframework.core.task

Subclasses of ConcurrencyThrottleSupport in org.springframework.core.task
 class SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor
          TaskExecutor implementation that fires up a new Thread for each task, executing it asynchronously.

The Spring Framework

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