The Spring Framework

Uses of Package

Packages that use org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler
org.springframework.jmx.export This package provides declarative creation and registration of Spring-managed beans as JMX MBeans. 
org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler Provides a strategy for MBeanInfo assembly. 

Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler used by org.springframework.jmx.export
          Interface to be implemented by all classes that can create management interface metadata for a managed resource.

Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler used by org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler
          Base class for MBeanInfoAssemblers that support configurable JMX notification behavior.
          Abstract implementation of the MBeanInfoAssembler interface that encapsulates the creation of a ModelMBeanInfo instance but delegates the creation of metadata to subclasses.
          Builds on the AbstractMBeanInfoAssembler superclass to add a basic algorithm for building metadata based on the reflective metadata of the MBean class.
          Extends the MBeanInfoAssembler to add autodetection logic.
          Interface to be implemented by all classes that can create management interface metadata for a managed resource.

The Spring Framework

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