The Spring Framework

Package org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent

Scheduling convenience classes for the JDK 1.5+ Executor mechanism in the java.util.concurrent package, allowing to set up a ThreadPoolExecutor or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor as bean in a Spring context.


Class Summary
ConcurrentTaskExecutor Adapter that takes a JDK 1.5 java.util.concurrent.Executor and exposes a Spring TaskExecutor for it.
ScheduledExecutorFactoryBean FactoryBean that sets up a JDK 1.5 ScheduledExecutorService (by default: ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor as implementation) and exposes it for bean references.
ScheduledExecutorTask JavaBean that describes a scheduled executor task, consisting of the Runnable and a delay plus period.
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor JavaBean that allows for configuring a JDK 1.5 ThreadPoolExecutor in bean style (through "corePoolSize", "maxPoolSize", "keepAliveSeconds", "queueCapacity" properties), exposing it as both Spring TaskExecutor and JDK 1.5 Executor.

Package org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent Description

Scheduling convenience classes for the JDK 1.5+ Executor mechanism in the java.util.concurrent package, allowing to set up a ThreadPoolExecutor or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor as bean in a Spring context.

The Spring Framework

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