Uses of Package

Packages that use org.springframework.xml
org.springframework.xml.validation Provides classes for XML validation in JAXP 1.0 and JAXP 1.3. 
org.springframework.xml.xpath Provides XPathTemplate implementations, and various classes for XPath evaluation using JAXP 1.3, and Jaxen. 
org.springframework.xml.xsd Provides an abstraction over XSD XML schemas. 
org.springframework.xml.xsd.commons Contains a implementation of the XsdSchema interfaces that uses Apache WS-Commons XML Schema. 

Classes in org.springframework.xml used by org.springframework.xml.validation
          Root of the hierarchy of XML exception.

Classes in org.springframework.xml used by org.springframework.xml.xpath
          Root of the hierarchy of XML exception.

Classes in org.springframework.xml used by org.springframework.xml.xsd
          Root of the hierarchy of XML exception.

Classes in org.springframework.xml used by org.springframework.xml.xsd.commons
          Root of the hierarchy of XML exception.

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