
Class Summary
DelegatingSecurityContextCallable<V> Wraps a delegate Callable with logic for setting up a SecurityContext before invoking the delegate Callable and then removing the SecurityContext after the delegate has completed.
DelegatingSecurityContextExecutor An Executor which wraps each Runnable in a DelegatingSecurityContextRunnable.
DelegatingSecurityContextExecutorService An ExecutorService which wraps each Runnable in a DelegatingSecurityContextRunnable and each Callable in a DelegatingSecurityContextCallable.
DelegatingSecurityContextRunnable Wraps a delegate Runnable with logic for setting up a SecurityContext before invoking the delegate Runnable and then removing the SecurityContext after the delegate has completed.
DelegatingSecurityContextScheduledExecutorService An ScheduledExecutorService which wraps each Runnable in a DelegatingSecurityContextRunnable and each Callable in a DelegatingSecurityContextCallable.