Spring Security Framework

Class LdapShaPasswordEncoder

  extended by org.springframework.security.providers.ldap.authenticator.LdapShaPasswordEncoder
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LdapShaPasswordEncoder
extends Object
implements PasswordEncoder

A version of ShaPasswordEncoder which supports Ldap SHA and SSHA (salted-SHA) encodings. The values are base-64 encoded and have the label "{SHA}" (or "{SSHA}") prepended to the encoded hash. These can be made lower-case in the encoded password, if required, by setting the forceLowerCasePrefix property to true. Also supports plain text passwords, so can safely be used in cases when both encoded and non-encoded passwords are in use or when a null implementation is required.

Luke Taylor

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String encodePassword(String rawPass, Object salt)
          Calculates the hash of password (and salt bytes, if supplied) and returns a base64 encoded concatenation of the hash and salt, prefixed with {SHA} (or {SSHA} if salt was used).
 boolean isPasswordValid(String encPass, String rawPass, Object salt)
          Checks the validity of an unencoded password against an encoded one in the form "{SSHA}sQuQF8vj8Eg2Y1hPdh3bkQhCKQBgjhQI".
 void setForceLowerCasePrefix(boolean forceLowerCasePrefix)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LdapShaPasswordEncoder()
Method Detail


public String encodePassword(String rawPass,
                             Object salt)
Calculates the hash of password (and salt bytes, if supplied) and returns a base64 encoded concatenation of the hash and salt, prefixed with {SHA} (or {SSHA} if salt was used).

Specified by:
encodePassword in interface PasswordEncoder
rawPass - the password to be encoded.
salt - the salt. Must be a byte array or null.
the encoded password in the specified format


public boolean isPasswordValid(String encPass,
                               String rawPass,
                               Object salt)
Checks the validity of an unencoded password against an encoded one in the form "{SSHA}sQuQF8vj8Eg2Y1hPdh3bkQhCKQBgjhQI".

Specified by:
isPasswordValid in interface PasswordEncoder
encPass - the actual SSHA or SHA encoded password
rawPass - unencoded password to be verified.
salt - ignored. If the format is SSHA the salt bytes will be extracted from the encoded password.
true if they match (independent of the case of the prefix).


public void setForceLowerCasePrefix(boolean forceLowerCasePrefix)

Spring Security Framework

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