Package org.springframework.roo.classpath.details

Interface Summary
ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails Provides information about the different components of a class, interface or enum.
ConstructorMetadata Metadata concerning a particular constructor.
FieldMetadata Metadata concerning a particular field.
IdentifiableMember Allows a member to be traced back to its declaring type.
InvocableMemberMetadata Metadata concerning an invocable member, namely a method or constructor.
ItdTypeDetails Provides information about an ITD.
MemberHoldingTypeDetails Provides information about the different members in a class, interface, enum or aspect.
MethodMetadata Metadata concerning a particular method.
MutableClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails Represents the mutable operations available on a ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails instance.

Class Summary
AbstractInvocableMemberMetadata Abstract implementation of InvocableMemberMetadata.
AnnotationMetadataUtils Utilities to use with AnnotationMetadata.
DeclaredFieldAnnotationDetails Convenience class to hold annotation details which should be introduced to a field via an AspectJ ITD
DeclaredMethodAnnotationDetails Convenience class to hold annotation details which should be introduced to a method via an AspectJ ITD
DefaultClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails Default representation of a ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails.
DefaultConstructorMetadata Default implementation of ConstructorMetadata.
DefaultFieldMetadata Default implementation of FieldMetadata.
DefaultItdTypeDetails Default representation of an ItdTypeDetails.
DefaultItdTypeDetailsBuilder Assists in the building of an ItdTypeDetails instance.
DefaultMethodMetadata Default implementation of MethodMetadata.
DefaultPhysicalTypeDetails Simple implementation of PhysicalTypeDetails that is suitable for PhysicalTypeCategory.OTHER or sub-classing by category-specific implementations.
MemberFindingUtils Utility methods for finding members in MemberHoldingTypeDetails instances.

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