Spring LDAP Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DirContextProcessor
org.springframework.ldap.control Support classes for custom request control context processors. 
org.springframework.ldap.core Core package of the JNDI/LDAP support. 
org.springframework.ldap.core.simple Simplification layer over LdapTemplate for Java 5 and above. 
org.springframework.ldap.core.support Support classes the core Spring LDAP package. 

Uses of DirContextProcessor in org.springframework.ldap.control

Classes in org.springframework.ldap.control that implement DirContextProcessor
 class AbstractFallbackRequestAndResponseControlDirContextProcessor
          Convenient base class useful when implementing a standard DirContextProcessor which has a request control and a response control.
 class AbstractRequestControlDirContextProcessor
          Abstract superclass with responsibility to apply a single RequestControl on an LdapContext, preserving any existing controls.
 class PagedResultsDirContextProcessor
          DirContextProcessor implementation for managing the paged results control.
 class PagedResultsRequestControl
          Deprecated. Use PagedResultsDirContextProcessor instead.
 class SortControlDirContextProcessor
          DirContextProcessor implementation for managing the SortControl.

Uses of DirContextProcessor in org.springframework.ldap.core

Methods in org.springframework.ldap.core with parameters of type DirContextProcessor
 List LdapTemplate.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, AttributesMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
 List LdapOperations.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, AttributesMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 List LdapTemplate.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
 List LdapOperations.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 void LdapTemplate.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, NameClassPairCallbackHandler handler, DirContextProcessor processor)
 void LdapOperations.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, NameClassPairCallbackHandler handler, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 void LdapTemplate.search(SearchExecutor se, NameClassPairCallbackHandler handler, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Perform a search operation, such as a search(), list() or listBindings().
 void LdapOperations.search(SearchExecutor se, NameClassPairCallbackHandler handler, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Perform a search using a particular SearchExecutor and context processor.
 List LdapTemplate.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, AttributesMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
 List LdapOperations.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, AttributesMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 List LdapTemplate.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
 List LdapOperations.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 void LdapTemplate.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, NameClassPairCallbackHandler handler, DirContextProcessor processor)
 void LdapOperations.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, NameClassPairCallbackHandler handler, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.

Uses of DirContextProcessor in org.springframework.ldap.core.simple

Methods in org.springframework.ldap.core.simple with parameters of type DirContextProcessor
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapTemplate.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapOperations.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for a List of type T using the supplied filter, SearchControls, DirContextProcessor and ParameterizedContextMapper.
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapTemplate.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapOperations.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for a List of type T using the supplied filter, SearchControls, DirContextProcessor and ParameterizedContextMapper.

Uses of DirContextProcessor in org.springframework.ldap.core.support

Classes in org.springframework.ldap.core.support that implement DirContextProcessor
 class AggregateDirContextProcessor
          Manages a sequence of DirContextProcessor instances.

Methods in org.springframework.ldap.core.support with parameters of type DirContextProcessor
 void AggregateDirContextProcessor.addDirContextProcessor(DirContextProcessor processor)
          Add the supplied DirContextProcessor to the list of managed objects.

Spring LDAP Framework

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