Spring LDAP Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContextMapper
org.springframework.ldap.core Core package of the JNDI/LDAP support. 
org.springframework.ldap.core.simple Simplification layer over LdapTemplate for Java 5 and above. 
org.springframework.ldap.core.support Support classes the core Spring LDAP package. 
org.springframework.ldap.test Utilities to simplify integration testing against LDAP targets. 

Uses of ContextMapper in org.springframework.ldap.core

Subinterfaces of ContextMapper in org.springframework.ldap.core
 interface ContextAssembler
          Helper interface to be used by Dao implementations for assembling to and from context.

Classes in org.springframework.ldap.core that implement ContextMapper
 class LdapEntryIdentificationContextMapper
          ContextMapper implementation that maps the found entries to the LdapEntryIdentification of each respective entry.

Methods in org.springframework.ldap.core with parameters of type ContextMapper
 List LdapTemplate.listBindings(Name base, ContextMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.listBindings(Name base, ContextMapper mapper)
          Perform a non-recursive listing of the children of the given base.
 List LdapTemplate.listBindings(String base, ContextMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.listBindings(String base, ContextMapper mapper)
          Perform a non-recursive listing of the children of the given base.
 Object LdapTemplate.lookup(Name dn, ContextMapper mapper)
 Object LdapOperations.lookup(Name dn, ContextMapper mapper)
          Convenience method to lookup a specified DN and automatically pass the found object to a ContextMapper.
 Object LdapTemplate.lookup(Name dn, String[] attributes, ContextMapper mapper)
 Object LdapOperations.lookup(Name dn, String[] attributes, ContextMapper mapper)
          Convenience method to get the specified attributes of a specified DN and automatically pass them to a ContextMapper.
 Object LdapTemplate.lookup(String dn, ContextMapper mapper)
 Object LdapOperations.lookup(String dn, ContextMapper mapper)
          Convenience method to lookup a specified DN and automatically pass the found object to a ContextMapper.
 Object LdapTemplate.lookup(String dn, String[] attributes, ContextMapper mapper)
 Object LdapOperations.lookup(String dn, String[] attributes, ContextMapper mapper)
          Convenience method to get the specified attributes of a specified DN and automatically pass them to a ContextMapper.
 List LdapTemplate.search(Name base, String filter, ContextMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.search(Name base, String filter, ContextMapper mapper)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 List LdapTemplate.search(Name base, String filter, int searchScope, ContextMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.search(Name base, String filter, int searchScope, ContextMapper mapper)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 List LdapTemplate.search(Name base, String filter, int searchScope, String[] attrs, ContextMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.search(Name base, String filter, int searchScope, String[] attrs, ContextMapper mapper)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 List LdapTemplate.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 List LdapTemplate.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
 List LdapOperations.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 List LdapTemplate.search(String base, String filter, ContextMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.search(String base, String filter, ContextMapper mapper)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 List LdapTemplate.search(String base, String filter, int searchScope, ContextMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.search(String base, String filter, int searchScope, ContextMapper mapper)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 List LdapTemplate.search(String base, String filter, int searchScope, String[] attrs, ContextMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.search(String base, String filter, int searchScope, String[] attrs, ContextMapper mapper)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 List LdapTemplate.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 List LdapTemplate.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
 List LdapOperations.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ContextMapper mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for all objects matching the supplied filter.
 Object LdapTemplate.searchForObject(Name base, String filter, ContextMapper mapper)
 Object LdapOperations.searchForObject(Name base, String filter, ContextMapper mapper)
          Perform a search for a unique entry matching the specified search criteria and return the found object.
 Object LdapTemplate.searchForObject(String base, String filter, ContextMapper mapper)
 Object LdapOperations.searchForObject(String base, String filter, ContextMapper mapper)
          Perform a search for a unique entry matching the specified search criteria and return the found object.

Constructors in org.springframework.ldap.core with parameters of type ContextMapper
ContextMapperCallbackHandler(ContextMapper mapper)
          Constructs a new instance wrapping the supplied ContextMapper.

Uses of ContextMapper in org.springframework.ldap.core.simple

Subinterfaces of ContextMapper in org.springframework.ldap.core.simple
 interface ParameterizedContextMapper<T>
          Extension of the ContextMapper interface.
 interface ParameterizedContextMapperWithControls<T>
          Extension of the ParameterizedContextMapper interface that allows controls to be passed to the mapper implementation.

Classes in org.springframework.ldap.core.simple that implement ContextMapper
 class AbstractParameterizedContextMapper<T>
          Abstract superclass that may be used instead of implementing ParameterizedContextMapper directly.

Uses of ContextMapper in org.springframework.ldap.core.support

Classes in org.springframework.ldap.core.support that implement ContextMapper
 class AbstractContextMapper
          Abstract superclass that may be used instead of implementing ContextMapper directly.

Uses of ContextMapper in org.springframework.ldap.test

Classes in org.springframework.ldap.test that implement ContextMapper
 class AttributeCheckContextMapper
          Dummy ContextMapper for testing purposes to check that the received Attributes are the expected ones.

Spring LDAP Framework

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