Spring LDAP Framework

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractFilter
org.springframework.ldap.filter Utility classes for dynamically building LDAP filters. 

Uses of AbstractFilter in org.springframework.ldap.filter

Subclasses of AbstractFilter in org.springframework.ldap.filter
 class AndFilter
          A filter for a logical AND.
 class BinaryLogicalFilter
          Abstract superclass for binary logical operations, that is "AND" and "OR" operations.
 class CompareFilter
          Abstract superclass for filters that compare values.
 class EqualsFilter
          A filter for 'equals'.
 class GreaterThanOrEqualsFilter
          A filter to compare >=.
 class HardcodedFilter
          Allows hardcoded parts to be included in a search filter.
 class LessThanOrEqualsFilter
          A filter to compare <=.
 class LikeFilter
          This filter allows the user to specify wildcards (*) by not escaping them in the filter.
 class NotFilter
          A filter for 'not'.
 class NotPresentFilter
          A convenience class that combines NOT behavior with present behavior to allow the user to check for the non-existence of a attribute.
 class OrFilter
          Filter for logical OR.
 class PresentFilter
          Filter that allows the user to check for the existence of a attribute.
 class WhitespaceWildcardsFilter
          This filter automatically converts all whitespace to wildcards (*).

Spring LDAP Framework

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