Spring LDAP Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use BaseLdapPathSource
org.springframework.ldap.core.support Support classes the core Spring LDAP package. 

Uses of BaseLdapPathSource in org.springframework.ldap.core.support

Subinterfaces of BaseLdapPathSource in org.springframework.ldap.core.support
 interface BaseLdapPathContextSource
          Interface to be implemented by ContextSources that are capable of providing the base LDAP path.

Classes in org.springframework.ldap.core.support that implement BaseLdapPathSource
 class AbstractContextSource
          Abstract implementation of the ContextSource interface.
 class DirContextSource
          ContextSource implementation which creates InitialDirContext instances, for LDAPv2 compatibility.
 class LdapContextSource
          ContextSource implementation which creates an InitialLdapContext instance.

Spring LDAP Framework

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