Interface CompensatingTransactionOperationRecorder

All Known Implementing Classes:
BindOperationRecorder, ModifyAttributesOperationRecorder, NullOperationRecorder, RebindOperationRecorder, RenameOperationRecorder, UnbindOperationRecorder

public interface CompensatingTransactionOperationRecorder

An implementation of this interface is responsible for recording data and supplying a CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor to be invoked for execution and compensating transaction management of the operation. Recording of an operation should not fail (throwing an Exception), but instead log the result.

Mattias Arthursson

Method Summary
 CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor recordOperation(java.lang.Object[] args)
          Record information about the operation performed and return a corresponding CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor to be used if the operation would need to be rolled back.

Method Detail


CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor recordOperation(java.lang.Object[] args)
Record information about the operation performed and return a corresponding CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor to be used if the operation would need to be rolled back.

args - The arguments that have been sent to the operation.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor to be used if the recorded operation should need to be rolled back.

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