XML Validating Filter

The XML Validating Filter lets you validate incoming messages against provided schema instances. The following schema types are supported:

Messages that fail validation can either be silently dropped or be forwarded to a definable discard-channel. Furthermore, you can configure this filter to throw an Exception in case validation fails.

The following listing shows all the available configuration parameters:

<int-xml:validating-filter discard-channel=""                    (1)
                           id=""                                 (2)
                           input-channel=""                      (3)
                           output-channel=""                     (4)
                           schema-location=""                    (5)
                           schema-type="xml-schema"              (6)
                           throw-exception-on-rejection="false"  (7)
                           xml-converter=""                      (8)
                           xml-validator="">                     (9)
    <int:poller .../>                                            (10)
1 Message channel where you want rejected messages to be sent. Optional.
2 ID for the underlying bean definition. Optional.
3 The receiving message channel of this endpoint. Optional.
4 Message channel where you want accepted messages to be sent. Optional.
5 Sets the location of the schema to validate the message’s payload against. Internally uses the org.springframework.core.io.Resource interface. You can set this attribute or the xml-validator attribute but not both. Optional.
6 Sets the schema type. Can be either xml-schema or relax-ng. Optional. If not set, it defaults to xml-schema, which internally translates to org.springframework.xml.validation.XmlValidatorFactory#SCHEMA_W3C_XML.
7 If true, a MessageRejectedException is thrown if validation fails for the provided Message’s payload. Defaults to false if not set. Optional.
8 Reference to a custom org.springframework.integration.xml.XmlPayloadConverter strategy. Optional.
9 Reference to a custom sorg.springframework.xml.validation.XmlValidator strategy. You can set this attribute or the schema-location attribute but not both. Optional.
10 A poller to use with the XPath filter. Optional.