Spring Data Neo4j

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractConstructorEntityInstantiator

Uses of AbstractConstructorEntityInstantiator in org.springframework.data.neo4j.support.node

Subclasses of AbstractConstructorEntityInstantiator in org.springframework.data.neo4j.support.node
 class NodeEntityInstantiator
          Implementation of an entity instantiator for neo4j graphdb nodes, binding the entity type to a @NodeEntity pojo and the underlying state to a neo4j Node.

Uses of AbstractConstructorEntityInstantiator in org.springframework.data.neo4j.support.relationship

Subclasses of AbstractConstructorEntityInstantiator in org.springframework.data.neo4j.support.relationship
 class RelationshipEntityInstantiator
          Instantiator for relationship entities uses non constructor invoking ReflectionFactory internal to sun reflect package.

Spring Data Neo4j

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