Spring Data Jpa

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractJpaQuery
org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query Query implementation to exectue queries against JPA. 

Uses of AbstractJpaQuery in org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query

Subclasses of AbstractJpaQuery in org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query
 class AbstractStringBasedJpaQuery
          Base class for String based JPA queries.
 class PartTreeJpaQuery
          A AbstractJpaQuery implementation based on a PartTree.

Methods in org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query with parameters of type AbstractJpaQuery
protected abstract  Object JpaQueryExecution.doExecute(AbstractJpaQuery query, Object[] values)
          Method to implement AbstractStringBasedJpaQuery executions by single enum values.
 Object JpaQueryExecution.execute(AbstractJpaQuery query, Object[] values)
          Executes the given AbstractStringBasedJpaQuery with the given ParameterBinder.

Spring Data Jpa

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