7.3 The @Router Annotation

When using the @Router annotation, the annotated method can return either the MessageChannel or String type. In the case of the latter, the endpoint will resolve the channel name as it does for the default output. Additionally, the method can return either a single value or a collection. When a collection is returned, the reply message will be sent to multiple channels. To summarize, the following method signatures are all valid.

public MessageChannel route(Message message) {...}

public List<MessageChannel> route(Message message) {...}

public String route(Foo payload) {...}

public List<String> route(Foo payload) {...}

In addition to payload-based routing, a common requirement is to route based on metadata available within the message header as either a property or attribute. Rather than requiring use of the Message type as the method parameter, the @Router annotation may also use the same @Header parameter annotation that was introduced above.

public List<String> route(@Header("orderStatus") OrderStatus status)