

spring:message (since 1.0)
General information
The spring:message tag provides you with internationalization support using Spring's MessageSource concept. The MessageSource is an interface providing functionality for retrieving messages. It closely resembles JSTL's fmt:message-tag, however, the MessageSource classes can be integrated with the Spring context. Also, the spring:message- tag, works with the locale support that comes with Spring.

Regards an HTML escaping setting, either on this tag instance, the page level, or the web.xml level. Can also apply JavaScript escaping.

If "code" isn't set or cannot be resolved, "text" will be used as default message. Thus, this tag can also be used for HTML escaping of any texts.

The code (key) to use when looking up the message. If code is not provided, the text attribute will be used.
required: no
el-support: yes
Set optional message arguments for this tag, as a comma-delimited String (each String argument can contain JSP EL), an Object array (used as argument array), or a single Object (used as single argument).
required: no
el-support: yes
Default text to output when a message for the given code could not be found. If both text and code are not set, the tag will output null
required: no
el-support: yes
The string to use when binding the result to the page, request, session or application scope. If not specified, the result gets outputted to the writer (directly to the JSP i.e.).
required: no
el-support: yes
The scope to use when exporting the result to a variable. This attribute is only used when var is also set. Possible values are page, request, session and application.
required: no
el-support: yes
Set HTML escaping for this tag, as boolean value. Overrides the default HTML escaping setting for the current page.
required: no
el-support: yes
Set JavaScript escaping for this tag, as boolean value. Default is false.
required: no
el-support: yes
If the var argument is specified, the resolved message will be exported to the scope specified by the scope argument.
Also have a look at
the spring:htmlEscape tag, which allows you to set the default HTML escape value for the current page
the ResourceBundleMessageSource to see how resource bundles can be used in conjunction with the spring:message-tag
the MessageSource to see how you can implement your own message sources