1. Spring Social LinkedIn Overview

1.1 Introduction

The Spring Social LinkedIn project is an extension to Spring Social that enables integration with LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a social networking site geared toward professionals. It enables its users to maintain and correspond with a network of contacts they have are professionally linked to.

Spring Social LinkedIn enables integration with LinkedIn with LinkedInConnectionFactory, a connection factory that can be plugged into Spring Social's service provider connection framework, and with an API binding to LinkedIn's REST API.

1.2 How to get

The following Maven dependency will add Spring Social LinkedIn to your project:


As an extension to Spring Social, Spring Social LinkedIn depends on Spring Social. Spring Social's core module will be transitively resolved from the Spring Social LinkedIn dependency. If you'll be using Spring Social's web module, you'll need to add that dependency yourself:


Note that Spring Social LinkedIn may release on a different schedule than Spring Social. Consequently, Spring Social's version may differ from that of Spring Social LinkedIn.

Spring Social LinkedIn uses Spring Social's OAuth1Template to add OAuth 1.0a authorization headers to requests sent to LinkedIn. OAuth1Template uses the Commons Codec library when calculating request signatures. Therefore, you'll also need Commons Codec in your project:


Consult Spring Social's reference documentation for more information on Spring Social dependencies.