SPRING SHELL CHANGELOG ====================== http://www.springsource.org/spring-shell Commit changelog: http://github.com/SpringSource/spring-shell/tree/[version] Issues changelog: http://jira.springsource.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10361 Changes in version 1.0 RC1 (2012-09-20) --------------------------------------- ** Bug * [SHL-14] - History from previous session is not loaded into JLine history buffer * [SHL-48] - Remove duplicated classes from Spring Framework and old Roo code base in util package * [SHL-52] - Missing Maven dependency JLine * [SHL-60] - Jansi terminal support not working under cygwin * [SHL-61] - Remove unused Hint classes ** Improvement * [SHL-53] - Documentation Corrections * [SHL-54] - Dynamic prompt * [SHL-57] - Miscellaneous documentation cleanup ** New Feature * [SHL-55] - ascii art/text should be loaded from a file * [SHL-56] - SHL contains a lot of duplicated classes from Spring ** Task * [SHL-51] - Correct Maven groupId Changes in version 1.0 M1 (2012-07-18) -------------------------------------- * Moved Spring Roo code into Spring Shell, removing OSGi dependency ** New Feature * [SHL-12] - Allow shell comnand prompt text to be customized by plugins * [SHL-13] - Allow name of history file to be customized by plugins * [SHL-40] - Provide an interception mechanism for the command class to intercept invocation of command methods ** Improvement * [SHL-24] - Should not ignore the optional parameter if no parameter value is set in the command * [SHL-31] - Move providers & ApplicationContext to JLineShellComponent from JLineShell. * [SHL-32] - Sub-classes of AbstractShell should be able to handle results of execution as required. * [SHL-39] - Remove NAPA specific environment option, replace with Spring 3.1 profile support * [SHL-41] - Improve error handling for command line options when staring shell ** Bug * [SHL-6] - Spring Shell does not support "help" * [SHL-19] - When running spring shell in the script mode, the output shout not include the Spring Shell interative information * [SHL-35] - Improve the parsing command line options to gracefully handle invalid values. ** Task * [SHL-1] - Change build system to use gradle * [SHL-4] - Adding a constructor in JlineShell to provide ConsoleReader. * [SHL-9] - Create Bamboo build project on CI farm * [SHL-10] - Publish CI builds to springsource maven snapshot repository * [SHL-23] - Create docbook based reference guide * [SHL-25] - Enable unit test on CI build * [SHL-50] - Add sample application