9. JMX support

9.1. @MBeanExport

As an equivalent to Spring XML's <context:mbean-export/> element, JavaConfig provides the @MBeanExport annotation.

 * A performance monitor that implements a JMX MBean interface
public class PerformanceMonitor implements PerformanceMonitorMBean {
    public int getHitCount() {
        return hitCount;
    // ...

public interface PerformanceMonitorMBean {
    int getHitCount();
    // ...


 * A @Configuration class that wires up a PerformanceMonitor bean and ensures
 * it is registered with the local MBean server using @MBeanExport
public class Config {
    // declare the MBean class as a spring bean
    public PerformanceMonitor performanceMonitor() {
        return new PerformanceMonitor();


Like with <context:mbean-export/>, MBean classes can be defined in a number of ways - using traditional MBean interfaces as shown above, or with Spring's @ManagedResource and associated annotations, etc. See the core Spring Framework documentation on JMX support for details.