Annotation Type MBeanExport

public @interface MBeanExport

Activates default exporting of MBeans by detecting standard MBeans in the Spring context as well as @ManagedResource annotations on Spring-defined beans.

The resulting MBeanExporter bean is defined under the name "mbeanExporter". Alternatively, consider defining a custom AnnotationMBeanExporter bean explicitly.

This annotation is modeled after and functionally equivalent to Spring XML's <context:mbean-export/> element

Chris Beams

Optional Element Summary
 java.lang.String defaultDomain
          The default domain to use when generating JMX ObjectNames.
 RegistrationPolicy registration
          The registration behavior, indicating how to deal with existing MBeans of the same name: fail with an exception, ignore and keep the existing MBean, or replace the existing one with the new MBean.
 java.lang.String server
          The bean name of the MBeanServer to which MBeans should be exported.


public abstract java.lang.String defaultDomain
The default domain to use when generating JMX ObjectNames.



public abstract java.lang.String server
The bean name of the MBeanServer to which MBeans should be exported. Default is to use the platform's default MBeanServer (autodetecting WebLogic 9+, WebSphere 5.1+ and the JDK 1.5+ platform MBeanServer).



public abstract RegistrationPolicy registration
The registration behavior, indicating how to deal with existing MBeans of the same name: fail with an exception, ignore and keep the existing MBean, or replace the existing one with the new MBean.

Default is to fail with an exception.
