Spring Integration

Spring Integration Reference Manual

2.0.0 Milestone 3

© SpringSource Inc., 2010

Table of Contents

1. Spring Integration Overview
1.1. Background
1.2. Goals and Principles
1.3. Main Components
1.3.1. Message
1.3.2. Message Channel
1.3.3. Message Endpoint
1.4. Message Endpoints
1.4.1. Transformer
1.4.2. Filter
1.4.3. Router
1.4.4. Splitter
1.4.5. Aggregator
1.4.6. Service Activator
1.4.7. Channel Adapter
2. Message Construction
2.1. The Message Interface
2.2. Message Headers
2.3. Message Implementations
2.4. The MessageBuilder Helper Class
3. Message Channels
3.1. The MessageChannel Interface
3.1.1. PollableChannel
3.1.2. SubscribableChannel
3.2. Message Channel Implementations
3.2.1. PublishSubscribeChannel
3.2.2. QueueChannel
3.2.3. PriorityChannel
3.2.4. RendezvousChannel
3.2.5. DirectChannel
3.2.6. ExecutorChannel
3.2.7. ThreadLocalChannel
3.3. Channel Interceptors
3.4. MessageChannelTemplate
3.5. Configuring Message Channels
3.5.1. DirectChannel Configuration
3.5.2. QueueChannel Configuration
3.5.3. PublishSubscribeChannel Configuration
3.5.4. ExecutorChannel
3.5.5. PriorityChannel Configuration
3.5.6. RendezvousChannel Configuration
3.5.7. ThreadLocalChannel Configuration
3.5.8. Channel Interceptor Configuration
3.5.9. Wire Tap
4. Message Endpoints
4.1. Message Handler
4.2. Event Driven Consumer
4.3. Polling Consumer
4.4. Namespace Support
5. Service Activator
5.1. Introduction
5.2. The <service-activator/> Element
6. Channel Adapter
6.1. The <inbound-channel-adapter> element
6.2. The <outbound-channel-adapter/> element
7. Router
7.1. Router Implementations
7.1.1. PayloadTypeRouter
7.1.2. HeaderValueRouter
7.1.3. RecipientListRouter
7.2. The <router> element
7.3. The @Router Annotation
8. Filter
8.1. Introduction
8.2. The <filter> Element
9. Transformer
9.1. Introduction
9.2. The <transformer> Element
9.3. The @Transformer Annotation
10. Splitter
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Programming model
10.3. Configuring a Splitter using XML
10.4. Configuring a Splitter with Annotations
11. Aggregator
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Functionality
11.3. Programming model
11.3.1. AbstractMessageAggregator
11.3.2. CompletionStrategy
11.3.3. CorrelationStrategy
11.4. Configuring an Aggregator with XML
11.5. Configuring an Aggregator with Annotations
12. Resequencer
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Functionality
12.3. Configuring a Resequencer with XML
13. Delayer
13.1. Introduction
13.2. The <delayer> Element
14. Message Handler Chain
14.1. Introduction
14.2. The <chain> Element
15. Messaging Bridge
15.1. Introduction
15.2. The <bridge> Element
16. Inbound Messaging Gateways
16.1. SimpleMessagingGateway
16.2. GatewayProxyFactoryBean
17. Message Publishing
17.1. Message Publishing Configuration
17.1.1. Annotation-based approach via @Publisher annotation
17.1.2. XML-based approach via <publisher> element
18. File Support
18.1. Introduction
18.2. Reading Files
18.3. Writing files
18.4. File Transformers
19. JMS Support
19.1. Inbound Channel Adapter
19.2. Message-Driven Channel Adapter
19.3. Outbound Channel Adapter
19.4. Inbound Gateway
19.5. Outbound Gateway
19.6. JMS Backed Message Channels
19.7. JMS Samples
20. Web Services Support
20.1. Outbound Web Service Gateways
20.2. Inbound Web Service Gateways
20.3. Web Service Namespace Support
21. RMI Support
21.1. Introduction
21.2. Outbound RMI
21.3. Inbound RMI
21.4. RMI namespace support
22. HttpInvoker Support
22.1. Introduction
22.2. HttpInvoker Inbound Gateway
22.3. HttpInvoker Outbound Gateway
22.4. HttpInvoker Namespace Support
23. HTTP Support
23.1. Introduction
23.2. Http Inbound Gateway
23.3. Http Outbound Gateway
23.4. Http Namespace Support
24. TCP and UDP Support
24.1. Introduction
24.2. UDP Adapters
24.3. TCP Adapters
24.4. IP Adapter Attributes
25. Mail Support
25.1. Mail-Sending Channel Adapter
25.2. Mail-Receiving Channel Adapter
25.3. Mail Namespace Support
26. JMX Support
26.1. Notification Listening Channel Adapter
26.2. Notification Publishing Channel Adapter
26.3. Attribute Polling Channel Adapter
26.4. Operation Invoking Channel Adapter
26.5. Control Bus
27. Stream Support
27.1. Introduction
27.2. Reading from streams
27.3. Writing to streams
27.4. Stream namespace support
28. Spring ApplicationEvent Support
28.1. Receiving Spring ApplicationEvents
28.2. Sending Spring ApplicationEvents
29. Dealing with XML Payloads
29.1. Introduction
29.2. Transforming xml payloads
29.3. Namespace support for xml transformers
29.4. Splitting xml messages
29.5. Routing xml messages using XPath
29.6. Selecting xml messages using XPath
29.7. XPath components namespace support
30. Security in Spring Integration
30.1. Introduction
30.2. Securing channels
A. Spring Integration Samples
A.1. The Cafe Sample
A.2. The XML Messaging Sample
A.3. The OSGi Samples
B. Configuration
B.1. Introduction
B.2. Namespace Support
B.3. Configuring the Task Scheduler
B.4. Error Handling
B.5. Annotation Support
B.6. Message Mapping rules and conventions
B.6.1. Simple Scenarios
B.6.2. Complex Scenarios
C. Additional Resources
C.1. Spring Integration Home