20.3 Web Service Namespace Support

To configure an outbound Web Service Gateway, use the "outbound-gateway" element from the "ws" namespace:

<ws:outbound-gateway id="simpleGateway"

Notice that this example does not provide a 'reply-channel'. If the Web Service were to return a non-empty response, the Message containing that response would be sent to the reply channel provided in the request Message's REPLY_CHANNEL header, and if that were not available a channel resolution Exception would be thrown. If you want to send the reply to another channel instead, then provide a 'reply-channel' attribute on the 'outbound-gateway' element.

When invoking a Web Service that returns an empty response after using a String payload for the request Message, no reply Message will be sent by default. Therefore you don't need to set a 'reply-channel' or have a REPLY_CHANNEL header in the request Message. If for any reason you actually do want to receive the empty response as a Message, then provide the 'ignore-empty-responses' attribute with a value of false (this only applies for Strings, because using a Source or Document object simply leads to a NULL response and will therefore never generate a reply Message).

To set up an inbound Web Service Gateway, use the "inbound-gateway":

<ws:inbound-gateway id="simpleGateway"

To use Spring OXM Marshallers and/or Unmarshallers, provide bean references. For outbound:

<ws:outbound-gateway id="marshallingGateway"

And for inbound:

<ws:inbound-gateway id="marshallingGateway"

Most Marshaller implementations also implement the Unmarshaller interface. When using such a Marshaller, only the "marshaller" attribute is necessary. Even when using a Marshaller, you may also provide a reference for the "request-callback" on the outbound gateways.

For either outbound gateway type, a "destination-provider" attribute can be specified instead of the "uri" (exactly one of them is required). You can then reference any Spring Web Services DestinationProvider implementation (e.g. to lookup the URI at runtime from a registry).

For either outbound gateway type, the "message-factory" attribute can also be configured with a reference to any Spring Web Services WebServiceMessageFactory implementation.

For the simple inbound gateway type, the "extract-payload" attribute can be set to false to forward the entire WebServiceMessage instead of just its payload as a Message to the request channel. This might be useful, for example, when a custom Transformer works against the WebServiceMessage directly.