19.7 JMS Samples

To experiment with these JMS adapters, check out the samples available within the "samples/jms" directory in the distribution. There are two samples included. One provides inbound and outbound Channel Adapters, and the other provides inbound and outbound Gateways. They are configured to run with an embedded ActiveMQ process, but the "common.xml" file can easily be modified to support either a different JMS provider or a standalone ActiveMQ process. In other words, you can split the configuration so that the inbound and outbound adapters are running in separate JVMs. If you have ActiveMQ installed, simply modify the "brokerURL" property within the configuration to use "tcp://localhost:61616" for example (instead of "vm://localhost"). Both of the samples accept input via stdin and then echo back to stdout. Look at the configuration to see how these messages are routed over JMS.