Spring Gemfire Integration Reference Guide


Costin Leau (SpringSource, a division of VMware)


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I. Introduction
II. Reference Documentation
1. Bootstrapping GemFire through the Spring container
1.1. Configuring the GemFire Cache
1.2. Configuring a GemFire Region
1.2.1. Configuring a client Region
1.2.2. Advanced configuration through a Region's attributes
2. Working with the GemFire APIs
2.1. Exception translation
2.2. GemfireTemplate
2.3. Transaction Management
2.4. Wiring Declarable components
2.4.1. Configuration using template definitions
2.4.2. Configuration using auto-wiring and annotations
3. Working with GemFire Serialization
3.1. Wiring deserialized instances
3.2. Auto-generating custom Instantiators
4. Sample Applications
4.1. Hello World
4.1.1. Starting and stopping the sample
4.1.2. Using the sample
4.1.3. Hello World Sample Explained
III. Other Resources
5. Useful Links