SPRING BLAZEDS INTEGRATION CHANGELOG ========================= http://www.springsource.org/spring-flex Changes in version 1.0.0.RELEASE (06.09.2009) ----------------------------------------- General * Maven central compatible POMs will be mirrored to http://repo1.maven.org * Marked Jackson and CGLib dependencies as required in ivy and pom configurations since they are almost always needed in practice * Added documentation about using Spring MVC controllers alongside Spring BlazeDS Integration in the same application. Enhancements * FLEX-51 - Extract FlexMessage body for Spring Integration Message payload by default * FLEX-55 - Map Flex Message id, timestamp, and timeToLive directly into Spring Integration Message * FLEX-57 - Add tooling metadata to the XML config schema. * FLEX-58 - Refactor the XML parsing subsystem to always use the ErrorReporter API to report configuration problems Changes in version 1.0.0.RC2 (05.19.2009) ----------------------------------------- General * The Test Drive samples are now included in the distribution and configured for use with Eclipse WTP * Maven central compatible POMs have been published to the repository at http://maven.springframework.org/milestone/ * Minor revisions to the documentation including a new chapter on working with the test drive sample Enhancements * FLEX-49 - @RemotingDestination should be able to be used on beans in the parent application context Bug Fixes * FLEX-37 - Flex schema missing from SpringFramework.org * FLEX-46 - Spring Security's filter chain not being detected correctly * FLEX-47 - Jackson is getting set as optional in the auto-generated pom.xml * FLEX-48 - Multiple consumers created per JmsAdapter instance Changes in version 1.0.0.RC1 (04.24.2009) ----------------------------------------- General * Refactored destination management code to provide a common foundation for Remoting and Message destinations * Complete messaging support for AMF, JMS, and Spring Integration messaging protocols. * Annotation-based configuration support for remoting destinations * Changed remote-service tag name to remoting-destination to be more consistent with BlazeDS nomenclature * Integration tests now use Fluint instead of FlexUnit (with an eye towards running these tests in CI in the near future) * Docs updated to cover all new features and reflect changes to existing features New Features * FLEX-12 - Allow MessageService destinations to be configured in a Spring WebApplicationContext * FLEX-13 - Provide a JMSTemplate-based MessagingAdapter * FLEX-17 - Exporting Beans as Flex Remoting Destination using annotations * FLEX-18 - BlazeDS commons-logging integration * FLEX-20 - Add messaging support based on Spring Integration * FLEX-27 - Add support for messaging features to the flex configuration namespace * FLEX-30 - Generic hook for catching exceptions and translating them into BlazeDS MessageExceptions * FLEX-35 - Add GrantedAuthority[] from UserDetails on successful login result message * FLEX-42 - Configure MessageService on demand if none exists Enhancements * FLEX-28 - Support for LiveCycle Data Services ES * FLEX-33 - Add log to the FlexRemotingServiceExporter in order to see the destinations created in the messageBroker * FLEX-37 - Allow order to be specified on the default handler mapping installed when using the namespace config * FLEX-40 - Programmatic Configuration of MessageDestinationFactory * FLEX-41 - Ensure proper integration with Spring Security when using Flex per-client authentication setting Bug Fixes * FLEX-22 - Session invalidation on login broken with BlazeDS in use * FLEX-26 - JavaAdapters initialize method is not called * FLEX-32 - SpringSecurityExceptions not always getting properly translated * FLEX-38 - Ensure that @RemotingDestination annotation works with a bean with an @Autowired constructor. Changes in version 1.0.0.M2 (03.04.2009) ---------------------------------------- General * Updated reference manual to cover the new xml config namespace and security integration * Added an xml config schema with complete documentation of all elements and attributes * Added an integration test module (only distributed in source form with the release) that uses FlexUnit New Features * FLEX-8 - Configure RemotingService on demand if none exists (i.e., there is no remoting-config.xml) * FLEX-10 - Add a spring configuration namespace to further simplify configuration * FLEX-11 - Integration with Spring Security * FLEX-23 - Create a Spring Security based BlazeDS LoginCommand * FLEX-24 - Provide an automatic SpringSecurityException to BlazeDS SecurityException translation mechanism * FLEX-25 - Add a mechanism for securing BlazeDS Endpoints similar to Spring Security's URL-based security Enhancements * FLEX-15 - Add a channel property to FlexRemotingServiceExporter Bug Fixes * FLEX-19 - FlexConfigurationManager should be configurable as a Spring bean * FLEX-21 - FlexConfigurationManager.configurationPath shouldn't require slash (/) Changes in version 1.0.0.M1 (12.15.2008) ---------------------------------------- General * Performed an initial code drop at http://src.springframework.org/svn/spring-flex * Organized project structure to use spring-build and create OSGi-ready build artifacts * Added an initial draft of the reference manual New Features * Configure and bootstrap the BlazeDS MessageBroker as a Spring-managed object * Allow Flex remoting messages to be routed to a Spring-managed MessageBroker through the DispatcherServlet * Use Spring's ResourceLoader abstraction to load BlazeDS xml configuration files * Support for exporting Spring beans for Flex remoting * Specify included and excluded methods when exporting Spring beans for Flex remoting